G.O. Min.

GO Ministries needed an updated website to promote their services.
GO is a humanitarian / mission organization. This case study documents the UX / UI process.

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The Problem

How might we create a site that communicates the vast activities
to supporters and volunteers effectively …


The Challenges

  1. Solve the communication gap between teams and those in the US, with updates of the great things at are happening.

  2. Create a hub where the vast operations of the: organization, staff, and projects can be found.

  3. Use photography to show the: who, what, where of work.

  4. Make the site as a resource FAQ’s.

  5. Rework the old corporate feeling to a relevant site.


The Users

I am a mom and it would be great to have a way to see that the team landed safely from their travels, and see how the week goes.
— A Concerned Mom, User interview
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Pain Points

Reviewing / analyzing pain points 3 things were determined:

  1. The site did not capitalize on client’s interest, it did not answer questions or drive engagement.

  2. It did not share its best product: stories and people, that are associated with facts.

  3. There was need to set the tone and personality of the organization, so the site was cohesive to reflect real life experiences.

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Key themes from User interviews:

  1. General Information for recruiting:

    Team leaders would love material to show people, in casting vision to recruit people to come on a trip.

  2. Ease of use is important, for preparation:

    Logical, organized information would be helpful in preparing teams and participants for a trip.

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What I learned from interviews and Journey Mapping…

Problems I Discovered:

  • “Want to show people updates”

  • “It would help recruit teammates if I could show them current info and photos.”

  • “It would be great to show Mom’s where their child might be going, and able to update about happenings.”

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Solutions I Created:

  • Created a photo heavy site, full of visuals.

  • Gives facts about current work projects, Partners, Staff and progress.

  • Has Team Tracker, and back ground info, to fully inform and answer questions.



Information architecture was heavily considered in the rework of the site, placement of pages was analyzed and heavily considered. I made a site map to organize my thoughts and communication with the rest of the team, so they could add their input.

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allowed me to see the functionality of the layout before moving onto High Fidelity mockups.

Finalizing the flow, and making sure the needed elements had a place.

High Fidelity Mock Ups

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The home page is full of imagery and large buttons of the values of the organization.

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The footer is on all pages and gives easy access to the most visited pages on the site, including a Staff blog updates.

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A resource for finding out more information on the
activities of G.O. Ministries.

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Pairing information and imagery, completing the picture of the location. Leaving visitors with a better overall understanding and fewer questions.


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